Patch 29.5, Deimos Arcana, adds new content to Warframe. This content patch comes with a new Necramech, changes to Steel Essence acquisition, new weapons including Infested Kitguns, and many other small changes.
Bonewidow Necramech
Unlike the Voidrig, the second Necramech to be added to the game is focused on melee. The Bonewidow has an exalted melee weapon as its fourth ability, and its other abilities are also focused on melee.
Its blueprints can be acquired from the Necraloid Syndicate, with the main blueprint obtainable at max rank (Rank 3: Odima) for 10,000 standing and the four component blueprints requiring 3,500 standing each. The component blueprints will require damaged parts obtained from isolation vaults.
Infested Kitguns
Infested Kitguns are primary and secondary weapons that are built from components just like their Fortuna counterparts. There are new Infested style chambers, grips, and loaders. These parts can be purchased from Father for Entrati Standing. Once purchased, talk with Rude Zudd in Fortuna to put the gun together. You can mix and match Kitgun components from Fortuna too. Check out the Kitgun page on the wiki for more specifics on each part.

Steel Path Incursions
Deimos Arcana adds a new way to acquire Steel Essence. Every day there will be five Steel Path incursions that will reward Steel Essence when completed. These missions will be available to everyone who has access to the Steel Path, even if the node has not been unlocked, helping with matchmaking.
In addition, any Steel Path mission can now spawn Acolytes. These Acolytes will drop two Steel Essences when defeated, but will run away if they down you. Teshin’s inventory has been updated with new wares to spend Steel Essence on, including rare items like Umbra Forma blueprints.
Check out our Steel Path guide for tips on this difficult game mode.

Isolation Vault Changes in Deimos Arcana
Deimos Arcana focuses a lot on changes to Isolation Vaults, adding four new ruins. New items gave been added as rewards for isolation vaults. There are also some new encounters in isolation vaults, offering some variety for extended runs. The speed of Loid has been increased, while his health has been decreased. Scintillants inside the vaults now have a chance to respawn, so if you get the same vault on an extended run, you can still get more.
You now have a chance to fight the new Bonewidow Necramech instead of just the normal Voidrig. The difficulty of these enemy Necramechs has also been adjusted by giving them many of the characteristics of Kuva Liches, like diminishing returns on status effects instead of immunity.
Entrati Syndicate Changes in Deimos Arcana
In addition to the items that have been added as part of this patch, the Entrati Syndicate has had some other small changes. You can now obtain every family member’s tokens from Grandmother through her new “Mend the Family” option. This gives an alternate way to obtain tokens other than engaging with that specific family member’s content.
There is a new evergreen use for Necraloid Syndicate standing. You can now exchange 50,000 Necraloid Standing for a Ayatan Sculpture with a base value of 450 Endo. With four Cyan and one Amber Ayatan installed, it has a value of 3000 Endo.
Two new mods have been added to Sons inventory. Martyr Symbiosis gives Vulpaphyla the ability to store health from enemy deaths and heal their master. Volatile Parasite spawns a parasite that attaches to enemies, forcing other enemies to attack it.

- You can purchase a cosmetic outfit for your Sentinel companion to make it look like Loid
- You can build a new Infested K-Drive with parts purchased from Grandmother
- You can now view the current cycle in the corresponding hub
- Vome/Fass cycle in the Necralisk; current temperature in Fortuna; time of day in Cetus
- There are new conservation and fishing creatures in the Cambion Drifts
- Conservation targets now reward more tags based on level of success