
Mercenary Mode

Tired of waiting in long queues for PvP? Think that the other faction always wins and that maybe you should reroll? Mercenary Mode is here for you.

What is Mercenary Mode

Mercenary Mode allows you to play for the other faction in unrated battlegrounds. For instance: if your character is Horde, you can play for the Alliance instead. Each race/class combo will turn into a specific race from the other faction upon entering the battleground. You will be able to communicate and participate with your new faction teammates like you were part of that faction. You will even have the racial traits of the new race instead of your old race.

Since this mode can only be used by the faction with longer queue times, Mercenary Mode reduces your queue time for PvP. Also, if you feel that your faction is always losing, you can see what it’s like to play for the other faction for a while. You will get all the rewards you would normally get for participating in PvP (Honor, Conquest, quest completion).

How to Play for the Other Faction

Players can only play as a mercenary when their faction has exceptionally high queue times compared to the other faction. If queue times are about even or you are on the faction with shorter queue times, your Mercenary Recruiter will not appear.

To enable Mercenary Mode, speak with a Battleground Recruiter in the PvP Enclave of Oribos, outside just Ashran, in the Underbelly of Legion Dalaran, or in your faction’s BFA PvP hub. The recruiter will give you a buff that allows you to queue for Battlegrounds as the other faction. While this buff is active, queue for Battlegrounds in the Group Finder like normal and the game will treat you as a member of the opposite faction.

PvP Gearing in Shadowlands

Want to know everything you need to know about gearing your character through PvP in Shadowlands? Check out our guide on how it all works.