What is Prime Resurgence
Prime Resurgence is an event in Warframe that will temporarily replace the existing Vaulted Relic system for Prime parts. Instead of earning the current “unvaulted” relics from missions in the void, Tenno will instead earn a new currency, Aya, that can be spent on vaulted relics. The relics available to be purchased will change each week of the event.
You will also be able to purchase a premium version of Aya, Regal Aya, for real money. This premium currency can be spent to purchase the Prime weapons and warframes outright instead of going through the normal relic process. It can also be used to purchase items given out as part of the Amazon Prime “Prime Gaming” program. Regal Aya will not be earnable in game, cannot be purchased with Platinum, and cannot be traded; the only way to get Regal Aya is to buy it.
When is Prime Resurgence
Prime Resurgence will be available from November 16th, 2021 until January 25th, 2022. Each week will feature a different pair of Prime Warframes and their associated Prime weapons. The schedule is as follows:
- Nov. 16 – Nov. 22: Mag & Nova
- Nov. 23 – Nov. 29: Limbo & Trinity
- Nov. 30 – Dec. 06: Mesa & Hydroid
- Dec. 07 – Dec. 13: Volt & Loki
- Dec. 14 – Dec. 20: Vauban & Ash
- Dec. 21 – Dec. 27: Oberon & Nekros
- Dec. 28 – Jan. 03: Valkyr & Saryn
- Jan. 04 – Jan. 10: Ember & Frost
- Jan 11. – Jan. 18: Mag, Nova, Limbo, Trinity, Hydroid, Mesa, Volt, & Loki
- Jan. 18 – Jan. 25: Ash, Vauban, Nekros, Oberon, Saryn, Valkyr, Ember, & Frost
The final two weeks of the event will be a last chance to participate in the event, likely offering multiple Primes that were offered in previous weeks.
How to Farm Aya
Aya will replace “unvaulted” relics during the event, meaning that doing missions in the Void and Bounties on Cetus/Fortuna/Necralisk has a chance to earn you the new currency. The amount of Aya you earn is not dependent upon the era of the relic; you earn one Aya for every vaulted Axi, Neo, Meso, and Lith relic you would have otherwise gotten. Since you can buy the Axi relics for one Aya, this essentially means you can trade a vaulted Lith for a vaulted Axi – a good trade!
Spamming short Void missions like Hepit, Ukko, or Marduk is the most effective way of farming Aya, but there is some luck involved since you will only earn Aya if you would have normally gotten a vaulted relic. Since relic rarity doesn’t seem to matter, The Capture missions are the better choice. Hepit will be the fastest way to farm, with Ukko being only slightly behind it because of the increased enemy level. As with most Capture mission farms, if you mission changes to an Exterminate, it is often faster to leave and restart the mission.
Bounties are also a good way to earn Aya, but these missions will take much longer to complete. Choose to do bounties if you need reputation with the associated faction or other items that come from bounties. If you are just looking to maximize Aya, Void missions are better.

How to Spend Aya
Aya can be spent at Varzia who is located in Maroo’s Bazaar on Mars during the event. In addition to the current offering of vaulted relics, you can also purchase Syandanas, Orbiter skins, Sigils, Glyphs, and Ducats.
The Lore of Aya
Varzia describes Aya as an “Orokin sequencing medium.” This means that Aya is a type of storage material used by the Orokin. The Orokin used Aya in Ayatan Statues to record many of their violent acts. Varzia is happy that Maroo is melting down these statues and erasing the terrible history of the Orokin. She believes that the Prime Warframe data held within should be retained though.
I couldn’t help but think of a particular Twitch emote when seeing the name though…

External Links
Be sure to check out the official page for Warframe’s Prime Resurgence.
New War is coming to Warframe sometime in December 2021! Check out the official page for the New War announcement.