It’s a race to the missiles silos! Secure them first and launch away!

Mission Strategy
As implied in the mission name, this map revolves around the Silos. Silos can be launched by Infantry or Mechs. They deal 3 damage to all units in a star 3 tiles in diameter.
The group of 6 Silos in the middle will determine the victory in this mission. Silos are very effective against Kanbei because his units cost more to create and repair. Using them yourself not only stops them from hitting you, but also gains you a heavy advantage over Flak’s troops.
You want to capture the central island as soon as possible to stop Flak from launching the central Silos. It’s also a hugely important spot that will give an income advantage to the army that owns it.
There are three Seaports on this map. You have easy access to two of them. Ships built at the east Seaport will not be able to reach the other side of the map, making them less effective. You can build a Lander here to move your troops to the main island, but there isn’t much else use. The Seaport on your west shore though can build more helpful ships. A Battleship will help you push into Flak’s territory, but as Kanbei it will be very expensive.
HQ Capture: Flak will make at least one Lander during this mission. This Lander may be tough to take out since you wont be able to bring in your own Submarines to hunt it down. The better option is to just capture Flak’s HQ.
Prioritize the central island; winning that is your first step. Since Kanbei’s units cost more, even if you rush to capture it, you will arrive at the central island around the same time as Flak. Consider building a Tank or Artillery first to help secure the island rather than immediately rushing an APC there. You can block Flak from using his lander by putting units on the Beaches.
Once you own the central island, go with the normal strategy of a direct-fire unit up front supported by indirect-fire behind it. Advance slowly until you reach Flak’s HQ. Park your units on top of his Bases to stop more enemies from spawning. Keep your Infantry or Mech high on health as you push, or bring them in an APC.
Early into the mission you’ll have to deal with two Silos from Black Hole. Keep track of how far away the enemy is from claiming them. Keep your units spread out the turn before they reach the Silo. This will minimize the damage you take.
You also get access to your own couple of Silos. Since they are not in danger of enemy capture, consider leaving them until the opportune moment when you really need them rather than firing immediately.
Defeat All Enemies: The only real difference in this strategy is you will have to deal with whatever naval forces Flak builds. Once you are comfortable on the main island, move your units off the beach and let Flak land units. Be ready with indirect-fire units and pick off his Lander once it’s in range. Medium Tanks also deal about half of a Lander’s health in damage, but Artillery is cheaper. Of course, you could also just buy a Submarine, but they are very expensive as Kanbei and won’t help with much else.
As you approach Flak’s HQ, park a unit on top of his Seaport so you don’t have to deal with any other naval forces.
Turn by Turn Walkthrough
Day 1

- Build Infantry at both of your Bases
Day 2

- Start capturing the neutral City with your west Infantry
- Advance your other Infantry
Day 3

- Finish capturing the City
- Start capturing the neutral City with your east Infantry
- Build an Artillery at your west Base
Day 4

- Finish capturing the City
- Advance your Artillery and other Infantry
- Build an APC at your west Base
- Build an Infantry at your east Base
Day 5

- Start capturing the Seaport with your west Infantry
- Load your east Infantry into your APC
- Advance your APC, Artillery, and other Infantry
Day 6

- Continue capturing the Seaport
- Advance your other Infantry, Artillery, and APC
- Your APC needs to stay just out of Silo range of your Artillery
- Build a Tank at your west Base
Day 7

- Finish capturing the Seaport
- Capture the Silo with your east Infantry
- Target the enemy Tank
- Advance your APC, dropping the Infantry west
- Advance your Tank
Day 8

- Destroy the enemy Tank with your Artillery
- Start capturing the west neutral Base with your west Infantry
- Advance your APC, Tank, and east Infantry
Day 9

- Finish capturing the central neutral Base
- Attack the enemy APC with your Artillery
- Destroy the enemy APC with your Tank
- Advance your APC and east Infantry
Day 10

- Capture the east Silo with your east Infantry
- Center the target on the enemy Tank
- Capture the south Silo with your west Infantry
- Center the target on the enemy Tank
- Retreat your APC to block the enemy Lander
- Advance your Artillery
- Build a Medium Tank at your central Base
Day 11

- Destroy the enemy Tank with your Artillery
- Destroy the enemy Artillery with your Medium Tank
- Capture the south east Silo with your west Infantry
- Hit the enemy Rockets and uninjured south Infantry
- Build an Anti-Air at your central Base
Day 12

- Destroy the north east enemy Infantry with your Artillery
- Destroy the enemy APC with your Medium Tank
- Destroy the east enemy Infantry with your Anti-Air
- Advance your APC and Tank
- Capture the south west Silo with your west Infantry
- Hit the enemy Rockets and south Infantry
- Build a Tank at your central Base
Day 13

- Destroy the enemy Rockets with your south Tank from the north
- Destroy the north enemy Infantry with your Anti-Air
- Attack the enemy Lander with your Medium Tank
- Advance your central Infantry and APC to block the enemy Lander
- Advance your north Tank and Artillery
Day 14

- Capture the north Silo with your west Infantry
- Hit the enemy Tank, Mech and west Infantry
- Move your APC
- Destroy the enemy Lander with your Medium Tank
- Destroy the enemy Mech with your Anti-Air
- Destroy the west enemy Infantry with your west Tank from the south
- Attack the enemy Infantry with your other Tank from the north
- Advance your Artillery to block the Seaport
- Build an Infantry at your central Base
Day 15

- Capture the north west Silo with your west Infantry
- Hit the enemy Tank, Mech, Infantry, and your own west Tank
- Capture the north east Silo with your other west Infantry
- Hit the enemy Tank, Mech, Infantry, and your own west Tank
- Destroy the enemy Tank with your uninjured Tank
- Destroy the enemy Mech with your Anti-Air
- Destroy the enemy Infantry with your other Tank

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