The final battle is at hand! Destroy the factory pipe!

Mission Strategy
This mission is the final battle for the Blue Moon territory. You goal for this mission is to destroy the Pipe Seam connected to the enemy Factory.
Just like in the Orange Star Factory mission, the enemy Factory will produce enemy units for free. The units produced are on a set schedule and will be the same every time. You can stop enemies from spawning from the factory by placing units on the three tiles in front of it.
You play two armies in this mission. The Blue Moon army starts the battle with two Bases but no units. The Orange Star army starts with a group of units (that favor direct combat) but no properties. There are multiple neutral Bases and Airports on this map that either army can capture.
Destroy the Pipe Seam: This is the only way to win this mission. The Pipe Seam has the same defense as a Neotank, so the best options for taking it down are Rockets, Medium Tanks, and Bombers. Since this map is full of Woods, Bombers are probably the best choice. However, you can also park a Rockets south of the Pipe Seam to reach it.
Your choice for CO of both armies will heavily impact the fight. Since Olaf’s CO Power effects his allies, Grit and Colin are the better options. Grit can spam Artillery and slowly push the enemy back. Colin can use his reduced cost to quickly capture an Airport and build a Bomber.
For Orange Star, since your starting forces are primarily direct-fire units, Max is the best choice. You can capture Cities and the west Airport and start producing Battle Copters, or even a Bomber.
The enemy units from the Factory will quickly become a big issue. The first round of three enemy Recon is easy enough, but from then on the forces that come out will be tough to deal with. If you rush your units to the Factory, you can actually block it off before the second wave spawns in. Move your units toward Blue Moon’s HQ on Day 1 to avoid getting slowed down by the Woods. Bring your Mech along in your APC to help block the Factory.
With the enemy Factory blocked, this mission will be much easier. Bring a Rockets or Bomber from Blue Moon and protect your units that are blocking. Use Blue Moon reinforcements to fill in as needed, but remember that Blue Moon goes first, so Orange Star won’t be able to move their units out of the way.
Turn by Turn Walkthrough
- Pick Grit as your Blue Moon CO
- Pick Max as your Orange Star CO
Day 1 – Blue Moon

- Build an APC at your north Base
Day 1 – Orange Star

- Load your Mech into your APC
- Advance your APC, Tanks, Anti-Air, Recon, and Infantry
Day 2 – Blue Moon

- Advance your APC
- Build an Infantry at your north Base
Day 2 – Orange Star

- Advance your units other than your Artillery
Day 3 – Blue Moon

- Load your north Infantry into your APC
- Advance your APC
- Build an Artillery at your north Base
Day 3 – Orange Star

- Attack the east enemy Recon with your south Tank
- Attack the south enemy Recon with your other Tank from the south
- Advance your Anti-Air, APC, Recon, and Infantry
Day 4 – Blue Moon

- Advance your APC, dropping the Infantry east
- Advance your Artillery
- Build an Artillery at your north Base
Day 4 – Orange Star

- Destroy the enemy Mech with your Anti-Air from the east
- Attack the south enemy Recon with your east Tank from the north
- Destroy the south enemy Recon with your Recon
- Advance your APC, dropping the Mech west
- Advance your Tank and Infantry
Day 5 – Blue Moon

- Advance your Infantry and both Artillery
Day 5 – Orange Star

- Capture the west Silo with your Infantry, targeting both enemy Tanks
- Attack the south east enemy Infantry with your Anti-Air
- Destroy the enemy Infantry in front of the enemy Factory with your east Tank
- Destroy the south enemy Recon with your Recon from the east
- Attack the south enemy Tank with your west Tank
Day 6 – Blue Moon

- Start capturing the Airport with your Infantry
- Advance both of your Artillery
Day 6 – Orange Star

- Destroy the south west enemy Infantry with your Recon
- Destroy the south enemy Tank with your Mech
- Retreat your north Tank
- Attack the enemy Tank with your other Tank
Day 7 – Blue Moon

- Finish capturing the Airport
- Attack the enemy APC with your west Artillery
- Advance your west Artillery
Day 7 – Orange Star

- Retreat your west Tank (don’t attack)
Day 8 – Blue Moon

- Attack the south enemy Infantry with your east Artillery
- Destroy the enemy Recon with your other Artillery
- Move your Infantry
- Build a Bomber at your Airport
Day 8 – Orange Star

- Destroy the south enemy Tank with your Mech
- Attack the other enemy Tank with your west Tank from the south
Day 9 – Blue Moon

- Attack the 9 health enemy Infantry with your east Artillery
- Advance your Bomber
Day 9 – Orange Star

- Attack the enemy Tank with your Mech
- Attack the south east enemy Artillery with your Anti-Air
Day 10 – Blue Moon

- Destroy the south enemy Artillery with your east Artillery
- Destroy the enemy Tank with your other Artillery
- Destroy the enemy APC with your Bomber from the east
Day 10 – Orange Star

- Destroy the 3 health enemy Infantry with your 5 health Tank
- Destroy the south enemy Infantry with your Anti-Air
- Advance your Mech and Tank
Day 11 – Blue Moon

- Attack the Pipe Seam with your Bomber
- Attack the enemy Anti-Air with your east Artillery
- Attack the enemy Anti-Air with your other Artillery
Day 11 – Orange Star

- Do nothing
Day 12 – Blue Moon

- Destroy the Pipe Seam with your Bomber

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