The enemy bombards Colin! Can he hold on until reinforcements arrive?

Mission Strategy
This mission is a survival mission against a far superior force. Your goal is to last 15 Days. If you can make it to Day 15 without losing all of your units or letting the enemy capture your HQ, you win.
You will be playing as Colin. His units cost 20% less than normal, but all have 10% weaker attack than other COs. His CO Power increase his current funds by 50% and charges very quickly. His Super CO Power increase his units damage by 3.33% per 1000 funds you currently have.
You will be up against Lash. Lash’s units gain increased attack power based on their current defense. Be careful of her units that are on Cities and other defensive tiles.
You forces spawn with a great choke point. The best strategy is to hold Lash’s forces there. She will likely start to overwhelm you eventually, but holding the choke should be your top priority. Use Colin’s decreased costs to flood the choke point and don’t let the enemy through.
No matter how you approach this mission, you’ll want to activate Colin’s CO Power as soon as you get it (before building for that turn). It charges very quickly and will give you the money you need to create plenty of powerful units. Don’t bother with his Super CO Power.
Defensive Wall: The best way to aim for an S on this mission is to build a solid defensive wall and hold the choke point with indirect-fire units. Start by using your initial Infantry to hold the line while you build up a good group of Rockets and Artillery. Once you have a decent number, start reinforcing your front line with Tanks or Medium Tanks if you can afford them.
Don’t push out past the choke point; let Lash come to you. Be aware of her Rockets, as they will usually take up a position and chip away at your front line every turn. If you can, get a Rockets into the Woods on the south east side of your area to contest her Rockets.
Mech Spam: Another way to approach this mission is to just spam out units. The most cost effective unit to buy are Mechs. This will crowd your area enough to stall for 15 turns. The downside with this strategy is that you will likely lose many of your Mechs, hurting your Technique score.
Other than your first couple Infantry for capturing, just build as many Mechs as you can every turn at your five Bases. Prioritize moving your units that are on your Bases or destroying the enemy that are blocking them so that you can make as many Mechs as possible every turn. Don’t initiate fights against Medium Tanks, Neotanks, or Battle Copters unless they are already very low. Activate Colin’s CO Power as soon as you get it to keep the Mechs flowing.
Turn by Turn Walkthrough
Day 1

- Build Infantry at your two Bases
Day 2

- Start capturing the north west Base with your west Infantry
- Advance your other Infantry
- Build Infantry at both of your Bases
Day 3

- Finish capturing the Base
- Start capturing the south City that your east Infantry can reach
- Start capturing the south City that your new east Infantry can reach
- Start capturing the south Base with your new west Infantry
- Build an Infantry at your east Base
Day 4

- Finish capturing the three properties
- Start capturing the last Base with your north west Infantry
- Start capturing the east City your new east Infantry
- Build a Rockets at your east Base
Day 5

- Finish capturing the two properties
- Start capturing the south City that your second from the south Infantry can reach
- Advance your Rockets and west Infantry
- Build an Artillery at your east Base
Day 6

- Finish capturing the City
- Retreat your injured east Infantry
- Advance your Rockets, Artillery, uninjured east Infantry, and north Infantry
- Build an Artillery at your south Base
- Build an Artillery at your south east Base
Day 7

- Attack the enemy Rockets with your Rockets
- Attack the enemy Medium Tank with your east Artillery
- Retreat your 4 health Infantry
- Advance your uninjured south west Infantry, north west Infantry, and both Artillery
- Build a Tank at your south east Base
- Build an Infantry at your south Base
Day 8

- Destroy the enemy Rockets with your Rockets
- Attack the enemy Medium Tank with your east Artillery
- Attack the enemy Artillery with your next east Artillery
- Destroy the enemy Artillery with your last Artillery
- Attack the enemy Tank with your Tank from the north
- Attack the south enemy Infantry with your uninjured south Infantry
- Advance your new west Infantry
- Activate Colin’s CO Power
- Build a Tank at your south Base
- Build an Anti-Air at your south East Base
- Build a Rockets at your north east Base
Day 9

- Attack the enemy Neotank with your east Rockets
- Attack the enemy Anti-Air with your east Artillery
- Destroy the enemy Battle Copter with your Anti-Air
- Attack the enemy Tank with your south Tank
- Attack the northmost west capturing enemy Infantry with your south Infantry (sacrificing it)
- Destroy that same capturing enemy Infantry with your new Tank
- Retreat your south Infantry
- Advance your two remaining Artillery and Rockets
- Build a Rockets at your south east Base
Day 10

- Attack the south enemy Tank with your east Rockets
- Attack the enemy Neotank with your east Artillery
- Attack the north enemy Tank with your next east Rockets
- Attack the enemy Neotank with your next north Artillery
- Attack the capturing enemy Infantry with your last Artillery
- Join your 2 health Tank into your 5 health Tank
- Attack the capturing enemy Infantry with your Anti-Air
- Advance your north Infantry and Rockets
- Activate Colin’s CO Power
- Build a Rockets at your south east Base
- Build a Tank at your south Base
Day 11

- Attack the north enemy Tank with your east Rockets
- Attack the north enemy Artillery with your next east Rockets
- Attack the uninjured north enemy Infantry with your east Artillery
- Destroy the north enemy Artillery with your next east Rockets
- Destroy the west enemy Tank with your new Rockets
- Destroy the 8 health enemy Infantry with your next north Artillery
- Retreat your south Tank and south Artillery
- Advance your new Tank
- Build an Anti-Air at your south Base
Day 12

- Attack the enemy Rockets with your east Rockets
- Attack the capturing Infantry with your east Artillery
- Destroy the enemy Rockets with your next east Rockets
- Destroy the 3 health north enemy Infantry with your north Artillery
- Attack the enemy Artillery with your next east Rockets
- Attack the enemy Mech with your south Artillery
- Destroy the capturing enemy Infantry with your east Infantry
- Destroy the enemy Mech with your north Tank
- Destroy the enemy Battle Copter with your Anti-Air
- Destroy the south enemy Tank with your west Tank
- Advance your last Rockets
- Activate Colin’s CO Power
- Build an Anti-Air at your south Base
- Build an Anti-Air at your south east Base
Day 13

- Retreat your injured north Artillery and injured east Rockets
- Attack the west enemy Artillery with your north Rockets
- Destroy the west enemy Artillery with your next north Rockets
- Destroy the next west enemy Artillery with your next north Rockets
- Destroy the west enemy Battle Copter with your south Anti-Air from the west
- Destroy the west enemy Infantry with your new south Anti-Air
- Advance your other Anti-Air, east Infantry, and south Artillery
- For Technique Rating:
- Build Infantry at all of your Bases
Day 14

- Destroy the enemy Battle Copter with your east Anti-Air
- Attack the north enemy Tank with your north 8 health Rockets
- Destroy the north enemy Tank with your next uninjured north Rockets
- Attack the west enemy Mech with your last uninjured Rockets
- Destroy the west enemy Mech with your uninjured north Artillery
- Retreat your south Infantry and injured Anti-Air
- For Technique Rating:
- Move all of your Infantry off of your Bases
- Build an Infantry at each of your Bases
Day 15

- Victory!

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