The foe is armed with a giant missile… They must be prevented from firing it!

Mission Strategy
The goal of this mission is to capture the 8 Cities that surround the central Giant Missile Silo. You also only have 15 days to accomplish this. If you have not captured the 8 properties by Day 16, you lose.
This mission is divided into three zones. The top, middle, and bottom sections are divided by impassable (even by air) Pipes with multiple destroyable Pipe Seams. The enemy forces will not target Pipe Seams, so it is up to you to decide where you want to open holes.
Since all of your Infantry and Mechs are in the top section, you will need to at least open up one hole between them. Black Hole has a Base in the bottom section. However, it will take those newly created units a long time to make it through the Woods. Watch out for indirect-fire units that can fire over the Pipe though.
You will control two separate armies in this fight. The bulk of your forces will be Olaf’s Blue Moon army. Andy’s small group of air units will be the Orange Star army in the north. Unfortunately, Olaf’s CO and Super CO Power snow slows down Andy’s forces as well.
Capture the 8 Cities Around the Giant Missile Silo: This is the only way to win this mission. You will need to clear out the multitude of enemy forces near the Missile Silo before bringing in your Infantry and Mechs. Be careful not to lose your starting Infantry and Mechs as you won’t have time to capture the only Base on this map to make more.
Destroy the Pipe Seam separating Blue Moon’s top and middle forces. Use your Medium Tanks and Tanks to clear out the central enemy forces.
Advance Andy’s forces west and destroy the Pipe Seam there to reach the middle section (watch out for the enemy Missiles). This will avoid the issue of overcrowding that is common in maps where you control multiple armies. Andy’s attack from the west will also draw back some of Flak’s forces, making things easier for Olaf.
If you are struggling to win with the starting units, capture the south Airport and destroy the Pipe Seam between the middle and bottom sections. Build some Bombers to help clear out the middle of the map. Be careful of the enemy forces moving through the Woods though.
While capturing the Cities, watch out for enemy Rockets in the south Woods. They will prioritize attacking the capturing Infantry/Mechs over most other units.
Turn by Turn Walkthrough
Day 1 – Blue Moon

- Load your north Mechs into your APCs
- Advance your north, central, and south forces
Day 1 – Orange Star

- Attack the east enemy Infantry with your south east Battle Copter
- Attack the enemy APC with your south west Battle Copter
- Destroy the north enemy Infantry with your Bomber
- Advance your Fighter and other Battle Copters
Day 2 – Blue Moon

- Attack the north enemy Rockets with your central north Tank
- Attack the south enemy Rockets with your central south Tank
- Attack the north Pipe Seam with your north east Medium Tank
- Advance the rest of your central, north, and south forces
Day 2 – Orange Star

- Destroy the enemy Infantry with your south Battle Copter
- Destroy the enemy APC with your south west Battle Copter
- Attack the enemy Recon with your east Battle Copter
- Attack the north west Pipe Seam with your Bomber
- Advance your Battle Copters
Day 3 – Blue Moon

- Destroy the north enemy Rockets with your north east Medium Tank
- Destroy the south enemy Rockets with your east Medium Tank
- Attack the south enemy Tank with your south Medium Tank
- Attack the enemy Anti-Air with your north Medium Tank
- Advance your Artillery and both Rockets
- Attack the north enemy Bomber with your north Anti-Air
- Attack the east enemy Bomber with your east Anti-Air
- Attack the last enemy Bomber with your last Anti-Air
- Advance your south Mechs and Rockets
Day 3 – Orange Star

- Destroy the north west Pipe Seam with your Bomber
- Advance your APC and Battle Copters
Day 4 – Blue Moon

Flak will activate his Super CO Power this turn. I have tried to minimize the RNG, but your mission will likely deviate from mine on this turn. Use the rest of this guide as more of a strategy. Your Blue Moon forces should be in a good position to secure the properties while the Orange Star forces distract the enemy.
- Activate Olaf’s Super CO Power (if it’s not charged yet, activate it as soon as you get it)
- Break the north Pipe Seam with your south Rockets
- Attack the north east enemy Medium Tank with your Artillery
- Destroy the north east enemy Medium Tank with your north Rockets
- Attack the north west enemy Tank with your uninjured north Medium Tank
- Destroy the north enemy Tank with your north Medium Tank
- Attack the enemy Rockets with your north Tank
- Move your south Medium Tank
- Attack the south enemy Medium Tank with your uninjured south Medium Tank
- Destroy the highest health enemy Battle Copters with your high health Anti-Airs
- Pick off low health enemy aircraft with your injured Anti-Airs
- Advance your south APC, dropping the Mech onto the City
- Advance your north APC, dropping the Mech south
- Advance your Infantry and Tanks
Day 4 – Orange Star

- Attack the enemy Artillery with your Bomber
- Attack the north west enemy Medium Tank with both of your south Battle Copters
- Advance your other two Battle Copters
Day 5 – Blue Moon

- Attack the north enemy Tank with your higher health north Medium Tank
- Retreat your north injured Tank
- Destroy the enemy Rockets with your uninjured north east Tank
- Destroy the injured enemy Anti-Air with your north Medium Tank
- Attack the south enemy Anti-Air with your south Medium Tank
- Start capturing the north city with your north Mech
- Start capturing the east City with your south Infantry
- Load your north Infantry into your north APC
- Advance your north APC, dropping the Infantry west
- Advance your other APC and south Rockets
- Destroy the high health enemy Battle Copters with your high health Anti-Air
- Pick off low health enemy aircraft with your injured Anti-Airs
Day 5 – Orange Star

- Activate Andy’s Super CO Power
- Attack enemy Medium Tanks or Tanks with your Battle Copters, avoiding the range of the enemy Missiles
- Destroy the west enemy Anti-Air with your Bomber from the west
Day 6 – Blue Moon

- Destroy the lowest health north west enemy Tank with your injured north Medium Tank
- Attack the enemy Missiles with your high health north Medium Tank
- Destroy the other north enemy Tank with your injured north Tank
- Attack the enemy Missiles with your south Rockets
- Destroy the enemy Missiles with your uninjured east Tank
- Destroy the south enemy Medium Tank with your injured east Tank
- Destroy the enemy Anti-Air with your south Medium Tank
- Finish capturing both Cities
- Start capturing the south City with your south Mech
- Advance your north Infantry and east Medium Tank
- Retreat your south Anti-Airs
Day 6 – Orange Star

- Destroy the enemy Artillery with your Bomber
- Destroy the enemy Missiles with your high health Battle Copter
Day 7 – Blue Moon

- Attack the enemy Tank with your highest health south Medium Tank
- Destroy the enemy Medium Tank with your other south Tanks/Medium Tanks (avoid the enemy Rockets)
- Attack the enemy Anti-Air with your highest health north Medium Tank
- Finish capturing the City
- Load your east Infantry into your east APC
- Advance your east APC, dropping the Infantry toward the south west Cities
- Move your injured north Medium Tank
- Start capturing the north City with your north Infantry
- Load your north Mech into your north APC
- Advance your north APC, dropping the Mech west
- Retreat your south Anti-Airs
Day 7 – Orange Star

Do nothing as Orange Star for the rest of the mission
Day 8 – Blue Moon

- Destroy the enemy Anti-Air with your north Medium Tank
- Destroy the enemy Tank with your north Tank
- Move your south east Medium Tank
- Finish capturing the north City
- Start capturing the north City with your north Mech
- Start capturing the south City with your south Mech
- Start capturing the south City with your south Infantry
- Activate Olaf’s CO Power to slow down the south enemies
Day 9 – Blue Moon

- Finish capturing the Cities
- Retreat your Anti-Airs
Day 10 – Blue Moon

- Start capturing the last City with your south Infantry
- Retreat your Anti-Airs
Day 11 – Blue Moon

- Finish capturing the last City

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