An assault by enemy medium tanks! Can you stop their charge?

Mission Strategy
This mission is the perfect map for Grit. Grit’s increased indirect-fire range and damage will be integral to stopping the multitude of enemy Medium Tanks. Because of the Mountains, Adder’s Medium Tanks will need to reach the east side of the map before they can make it to Grit’s Rockets. However, Adder also has Mech units that will cross the Mountains easily, potentially destroy your units.
Defeat All Enemies: Since there is no enemy HQ, this is the only way to win this mission. The enemy Medium Tanks and Recons will follow the north and south Roads toward your HQ. This gives you plenty of time to pick them off.
Since your Rockets and Artillery have a small vision range, you’ll need to use your Recon and Infantry to spot for them. Your Infantry can also make their way to the Silos to launch them at the enemy, dealing 3 damage to all units in a wide area. However, by the time you reach the Silos, you’ll likely already have dealt with most of Adder’s forces.
You also need to watch for Adder’s Mechs. They can cross the Mountains and attack your Rockets very early in the mission. They are generally the top priority since Adder’s other units will take a long time to reach you.
The starting position of your Recons and Artillery are not the best. Move your north and south Rockets onto their nearby Cities and position your two east Recons in the Woods where those Rockets where. Retreat your Artillery back one full “U” so that they are better protected and have a longer amount of time to attack. Place your Artillery’s associated Recons on the Road in a position to block the enemy from reaching the adjacent Artillery.
Turn by Turn Walkthrough
Day 1

- Attack the south enemy Medium Tank with your west Rockets
- Advance your Recons, Rockets, Infantry and Artillery
Day 2

- Advance your Recons, Artillery, and Infantry
- Attack the north enemy Medium Tank with your north Rockets
- Attack the south Medium Tank option with your central Rockets
- Attack the uninjured south east Medium Tank with your west Rockets
- Attack the uninjured south west Medium Tank with your south Rockets
Day 3

- Destroy the north east enemy Recon with your north Artillery
- Activate Grit’s CO Power
- Destroy the north east enemy Recon with your north Rockets
- Destroy the north enemy Mech with your central Rockets
- Destroy the north enemy Mech with your west Rockets
- Destroy the south east enemy Recon with your south Rockets
- Destroy the south enemy Recon with your south Artillery
- Advance your east Infantry
Day 4

- Use the central Silo with your east Infantry
- Fire centered at the north group of enemy Medium Tanks
- Attack the north east enemy Medium Tank with your north Artillery
- Destroy the north west 7 health Medium Tank with your north Rockets
- Destroy the north enemy Mech with your west Rockets
- Attack the south enemy Mech with your central Rockets
- Destroy the enemy Mech with your west Infantry from the Woods
- Destroy the south east enemy Medium Tank with your south Artillery
- Attack the uninjured south enemy Medium Tank with your south Rockets
Day 5

- Destroy the north east enemy Medium Tank with your north Rockets
- Destroy the north west enemy Medium Tank with your north Artillery
- Destroy the south west enemy Medium Tank with your west Rockets
- Destroy the south west enemy Medium Tank with your south Rockets
Day 6

- Activate Grit’s CO Power
- Destroy the south west enemy Medium Tank with your south Artillery
- Destroy the south west enemy Medium Tank with your south Rockets
- Destroy the north east enemy Medium Tank with your north Artillery
- Destroy the last enemy Medium Tank with your north Rockets

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