A pair of Iron Resource Nodes

Resource Nodes

Resource Nodes are one of the most essential aspects of Satisfactory. Almost all of your basic materials will come from Resource Nodes.

Even the most complicated endgame factory starts with Resource Nodes.

Resource Nodes produce a solid material that can be moved using Conveyor Belts and other types of item transportation. For materials that output into Pipes, see Resource Wells.

Materials that come from their associated Resource Node*:

  • Iron Ore
  • Copper Ore
  • Limestone
  • Coal
  • Caterium Ore
  • Raw Quartz
  • Sulfur
  • Uranium
  • Bauxite
  • SAM Ore

* Crude Oil is an outlier material as it can be both a Resource Node and a Resource Well, but since it has more similarities with wells, I have included it there instead.

Finding Resource Nodes

Since the Satisfactory map is hand crafted, Resource Nodes will always exist in the same location for everyone. You can use third party tools to review maps of Resource Node locations, but the intended way to find Nodes in game is with the Resource Scanner.

The Resource Scanner interface

The Resource Scanner (default V) can be used to mark the location of nodes on the map and compass. Holding the button will allow you to select which type of material you want to scan for. Tapping the button will scan for the most recently scanned resource type.

Extracting Resources

Resource Nodes can be mined by hand. You can also place a Portable Miner on top of them to mine while you are away. Multiple Portable Miners can be placed on a single solid node.

Multiple Portable Miners mining an Iron Resource Node

You eventually want to remove all manual mining from your workload. Automated Miners are one of the first buildings you should look to make. These will automatically mine the resources for you at the cost of a small amount of Power.

Node Purity

Resource Nodes all have a specific level of purity. This determines how many items can be extracted per second with automated Miners and items per manual mine operation. There is no way to change node purity; it is always the same for a specific node location.

Purity Multiplier By Hand
Impure x 0.5 1
Normal x 1.0 2
Pure x 2.0 3
An "Impure" Purity Iron Resource Node

You can tell how pure a node is in its description when looking at it. Third party maps of Satisfactory can also tell you how pure a node is.

Resource Deposits

Some nodes have a Resource Deposit on top of them that needs to mined by hand before an automatic Miner can be placed on top of the node.

Two Iron Resource Deposits on top of Iron Resource Nodes

Resource Deposits can also be found around the world for many materials that are not associated with a specific Resource Node.
