AW2 Classic Campaign – Mission 30: Navy vs. Air

Drake’s navy versus Hawke’s air force! Who will come out on top?

Mission Strategy

This mission is a straightforward fight. Your goal is to capture the enemy HQ or rout all enemy forces.

You’ll be playing as Drake, the naval specialist. This map gives him plenty of room to utilize his powerful ships. Unless you let Hawke capture some of the Seaports on the map, you won’t have to deal with any enemy ships, so don’t bother building any Submarines.

You’ll start with three Cruisers to combat Hawke’s six Battle Copters. Try to get the first hit on these Copters as they still deal a significant amount of damage if they attack first. You’ll want at least one Cruiser at full health to deal with new enemy Battle Copters as they are created, so if you lost all of them in the initial fight, make one replacement and park it near the enemy Airports. Again though, don’t let the enemy Battle Copters get the first hit on it.

Generally you’ll want to use your Lander to transport an Infantry and your Anti-Air to the area you want to capture. Aim for the production facilities first so that you can start producing units there instead of bringing them from your starting area.

HQ Capture: This strategy aims to capture the central Airport as soon as possible. Send your initial Lander with an Infantry and Anti-Air to the central north island. With the Airport, you can build a couple Fighters to dominate the sky and destroy the enemy Battle Copters as they spawn.

The enemy ground forces will work on capturing the central south island. Let them have it and pour all of your income into Battleships and air units. Letting them take central production facilities will actually help you as they will build units further away from their HQ.

Build a Transport Copter or use a Lander to get an Infantry onto the enemy HQ and defend it with your Battleships and air units. You can use your Fighters to body block enemy ground forces to secure the capture.

Defeat All Enemies: This strategy instead focuses on control of the large south island. Land your Anti-Air and an Infantry as soon as possible at the west Seaport. Capture the central Bases first, using your Anti-Air to protect your capturer. From there you’ll have a great staging area to fight back against Hawke.

Send your Lander back to your base to pick up a couple more Infantry. Use those Infantry to capture all of the island’s west Cities. You can send you Lander back one more time after that to get an Infantry for the north island too.

Push Hawke’s forces back to the Bridge. Bring a Tank or Medium Tank up front on the bridge and back it with Artillery and Rockets to slowly push toward Hawke’s HQ. You can also position a couple Battleships in the water just north of the Bridge to help you push along it quicker.

Consider leaving the central island’s Airport in the enemy’s hands. Position a Cruiser north of it to just instantly destroy any Battle Copter that spawns.

Turn by Turn Walkthrough

Day 1

  1. Load your west Infantry and Anti-Air into your Lander
  2. Advance your Lander, other Infantry, and Cruisers
  3. Build an Infantry at your two Bases

Day 2

  1. Start capturing the west neutral Base with your west Infantry
  2. Start capturing the other neutral Base on your island with your other south Infantry
  3. Advance your north Infantry, Lander, and Cruisers

Day 3

  1. Finish capturing the two Bases
  2. Start capturing the west neutral Seaport with your north Infantry
  3. Advance your Cruisers and Lander

Day 4

  1. Destroy the westmost enemy Battle Copter over the Sea with your north Cruiser from the south
  2. Destroy the northmost enemy Battle Copter over the Sea with your west Cruiser from the north
  3. Destroy the east enemy Battle Copter over the Sea with your last Cruiser from the north
  4. Advance your Lander, dropping the Infantry north
  5. Finish capturing the Seaport

Day 5

  1. Destroy the north enemy Battle Copter with your north Cruiser from the east
  2. Destroy the other north enemy Battle Copter with your west Cruiser from the east
  3. Advance your east Cruiser and east Infantry

Day 6

  1. Destroy the enemy Battle Copter with your west Cruiser from the east
  2. Start capturing the north Airport with your east Infantry

Day 7

  1. Finish capturing the Airport

Day 8

  1. Destroy the enemy Battle Copter with your east Cruiser from the north
  2. Move your east Infantry
  3. Build a Fighter at your Airport

Day 9

  1. Advance your Fighter
  2. Build a Transport Copter at your Airport
  3. Load your east Infantry into your Transport Copter

Day 10

  1. Advance your Transport Copter
  2. Attack the enemy Battle Copter with your Fighter from the east
  3. Build a Fighter at your Airport

Day 11

  1. Destroy the north enemy Battle Copter with your west Fighter from the north
  2. Attack the other enemy Battle Copter with your other Fighter from the west
  3. Advance your Transport Copter

Day 12

  1. Attack the north enemy Battle Copter with your north Fighter from the east
  2. Destroy the south enemy Battle Copter with your south Fighter from the west
  3. Advance your Transport Copter, dropping the Infantry onto the enemy Base

Day 13

  1. Start capturing the enemy HQ with your east Infantry
  2. Destroy the south enemy Battle Copter with your two Fighters

Day 14

  1. Finish capturing the enemy HQ


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