AW2 Classic Campaign – Mission 26: Drake’s Dilemma

Hawke launches an assault over the inland sea! Can Drake weather the storm?

Mission Strategy

This mission showcases Drake’s superior naval units. Your pre-deployed navy will be mostly unopposed in the water. However, Hawke has many indirect-fire units around the shore, and Recons to help them spot you.

The goal of this mission is to destroy the two Black Cannons to the south. You can send ground forces, but it will take a long time to make it all the way there. The better option is to use Landers or Battleships to take the Black Cannons down. Be aware though that Hawke has multiple units posted in the Woods to defend the cannons.

Kanbei will help you in this mission. His forces will help protect Drake’s HQ from the advancing Black Hole forces. Kanbei can capture the neutral Seaport and also take to the Sea.

Destroy the Two Black Cannons: Since there is no enemy HQ, this is the only way to win. Your first task is to make the shores safe for Drake’s navy. Use your submerged Submarines to spot for your Battleships. You may need to move your Submarines adjacent to the Woods along the shore to spot enemies hiding within.

The easiest way to take out the Black Cannons this is to take Drake’s Battleships south. If this doesn’t work out for you, you’ll have to land forces on the Beach.

Kanbei can capture the neutral Seaport, allowing him to create Landers and move his ground forces across the Sea. Be careful when landing though as Hawke has quite a few units hiding in the Woods. Rockets and Medium Tanks are your best option for ground forces to take out the Black Cannons.

Turn by Turn Walkthrough

  • Kanbei will do nothing for the entire mission
    • When his turn comes up, just End Turn immediately
  • Be careful canceling your units movements, especially your Submarines
    • Moving and canceling still spends fuel in Fog of War
  • The Reset Turn function in this mission changes the AI
    • If you have to use Reset Turn, you may need to restart the mission completely as the AI may not act as expected

Day 1

  1. Advance your south Submarine south, Diving it
  2. Advance your west Submarine west, Diving it
  3. Advance your north Submarine north, DON’T Dive it (sacrificing for CO Power meter)
  4. Advance your east Submarine north, Diving it
  5. Advance your last Submarine west, Diving it
  6. Advance your Battleships (not the north one)
  7. Build a Recon at your Base

Day 2

  1. Advance your Recon and south Battleship
  2. Attack the south west enemy Rockets with your west Battleship
  3. Build a Recon at your Base

Day 3

  1. Advance your south Battleship and both Recons
  2. Advance your two west Submarines to spot the Woods
  3. Attack the west enemy Rockets with your south west Battleship
  4. Attack the west enemy Recon with your other south Battleship
  5. Attack the north enemy Artillery with your north Battleship

Day 4

  1. Destroy the north Artillery with your north Battleship
  2. Destroy the west enemy Rockets with your west central Battleship
  3. Destroy the west enemy Recon with your other central Battleship
  4. Advance your south Submarine
  5. Destroy the south enemy Rockets with your south Battleship
  6. Activate Drake’s CO Power
  7. Attack the south enemy Artillery with your north Recon from the south
  8. Destroy the south enemy Artillery with your other Recon

Day 5

  1. Advance your south Battleship
  2. Advance your two central Battleships

Day 6

  1. Advance your south Battleship
  2. Advance your two central Battleships, Joining them

Day 7

  1. Attack the east enemy Black Cannon with your central Battleship
  2. Advance your south Battleship

Day 8

  1. Destroy the east enemy Black Cannon with your central Battleship
  2. Attack the west enemy Black Cannon with your south Battleship

Day 9

  1. Destroy the west enemy Black Cannon with your south Battleship


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